A Yogic teaching which helps with isolation. There is a beautiful principle within Yogic Philosophy which is called SAUCHA. This is a Sanskrit word which means Purity or Cleanliness. This principle, which is one of the NIYAMAS or Personal Yogic ‘Codes of Conduct’, refer to purity or cleanliness … of thought, action, mind, body and soul.
It has been in my mind especially given recent developments with Corona Virus. We are rightfully concerned about the external forces which are driving this virus but very little attention has been given to how we, as individuals, can cope and handle this type of problem. Just as we focus on who we are allowing in and out of an airport, so we must observe what we let in to our minds, body and soul … especially if we want to have as strong an immune system as possible.
This is where Saucha has really helped me. The more I study it, the more it plays out in my life practically and positively.
Here are some simple ways which you might find incorporating Saucha in to your life, especially at this time:
1. Declutter: Your environment is a reflection of your mind and vice versa. Every now and again, purge parts of our home - paperwork, or the kitchen, or clothes etc. And do it regularly. This ensures that physically, dust and debris is cleared from the air; emotionally we can let go of old energy and reminders of the past which can trigger negative memories or thoughts; and mentally, we create more space in the mind to think clearly and wisely. It’s also a great way to spend spare time if you’re in isolation at the moment.
2. Fresh air: Where possible, allow fresh air into your home and in your environment and / or take walks regularly. This helps to keep the air in your home (and lungs) pure and light, and also helps to keep your respiratory and circulatory systems healthy. If you do have symptoms or have a cold though, keep your chest warm with a scarf or jumper so as to not worsen your condition.
3. Move. Every Day. Movement is Medicine. Whether it’s a few stretches or postures in the morning or a full on HIIT workout - whatever it is, do not become stagnant. Movement helps the body and organs to detoxify and importantly, will make you feel more positive due to the release of happy hormones!
4. Drink Water. Of course this won’t be news to you. But did you know that according to Yoga teachings, water actually becomes energy (or CHI or PRANA) once consumed - so it directly impacts how much energy or ’spark’ you may have. Room temperature water is good - nothing too hot and nothing too cold - as it won’t disrupt your internal temperatures.
5. Be careful what you consume .. and I don’t mean just food. Eat your greens, and dark coloured veggies (these will tend to be richer in nutrients). AND, watch out for what your mind is consuming. It is easy to get distracted by the endless news feeds or social media conversation. Some of it is important but for the most part it, it’s just opinion or thoughts or sensationalist headlines which are designed to get your attention. What we let in to our minds directly impacts our nervous system. And what impacts our nervous system will also impact the immune system. Instead, consume information which is uplifting or truly informative.
6. Be kind. There is something strange about how obsessive we can become about running out of food or loo roll .. especially when so many people don’t have access to goods so freely, or are vulnerable. Find a food bank and give them what you don’t need. Don’t overbuy unnecessarily and check in on your friends and neighbours, especially if they’re elderly or may need extra support.
I’m not for a moment suggesting that all of this will prevent the virus from spreading. I hope that at the very least, it is a reminder of your own inner strength and of the power of positive habits. Stay on your track. Keep a good routine. Ignore the unnecessary hype. Be kind. Move regularly. And eat well. These are all things which will help, on the inside and out!